Ellen F. Davis is Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke University Divinity School. A native Californian, she holds degrees from the University of California in Berkeley (A.B., Comparative Literature), the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (M.Div.), Oxford University (Certificate in Theology), and Yale University (Ph.D., Old Testament), as well as four honorary degrees. Professor Davis came to Duke in 2001, having previously taught at Union Theological Seminary (New York City), Yale Divinity School, and Virginia Theological Seminary. In 2010, she received Duke’s Outstanding University Scholar/Teacher of the Year Award. In 2015/16, she has served as Interim Dean of the Divinity School. The author of ten books and many articles, her research interests focus on how biblical interpretation bears on the life of faith communities and their responses to urgent public issues, particularly the environmental crisis and theological conversation among the Abrahamic religions. A lay Episcopalian, she is active as a theological consultant within the Anglican Communion; since 2004, she has worked with the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan to develop theological education, community health, and sustainable agriculture. Her husband, Dwayne Huebner, is Professor Emeritus at Yale University Divinity School; they have two grown daughters and eight grandchildren.